How Does Someone Grieve The Holy Spirit? In Ephesians 4:30 we are commanded not to grieve God’s holy spirit. What does it mean to grieve God’s holy spirit? How does someone grieve the holy spirit? According to the Amplified Bible, the Greek word translated grieve in most Bibles, can mean to offend, vex, or sadden. We can easily understand what it means to offend, vex or sadden a person. Since the holy spirit is a force (see reference at end of article). How can one offend, vex or sadden a force? Can we grieve something? Can we grieve a force? Can we grieve something impersonal? We can do so by doing something that would stop it from working. Let’s illustrate it with an automobile. An automobile needs gasoline to function properly. If we put milk in the gas tank, that could be said that we grieved the automobile by doing a wrong thing so that it got upset (so to speak) and it stopped functioning. God’s holy spirit is a very sensitive force or energy. If we persist...